Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Once Upon a Time, There Was a Party...

I'm not sure what caused this to come about, but it made me giggle. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to isolate the panels or do anything like that, so you'll still have to do the scrolling sidways and vertically at the same time. Sorry about that. Plus Tim Horton's head was really hard to draw. Anyway, enjoy!


Greener said...

A very good friend of mine here is from Vermont. He fucking LOVES Vermont. His brother made him a cribbage board in the shape of Vermont, with the map of Vermont laminated on top. We all thought that was really crazy.

Norte said...

Hey ...thanks for leaving a message on my blog. I am Norte from He Score, He Shoot. stop by anytime

Loser Domi said...

Thanks for dropping by! at least you're not spam (and even that spam wasn't in English, so it was like a double-slap)

Loser Domi said...

@greener: I would say that is awesome, except I don't play cribbage


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