Thursday, March 6, 2008

Friday Youtube Yoinkage, March 7, 2008

This week's theme for the Friday Youtube Yoinkage is Mats Sundin. Why? Because I can.

If I were Mats Sundin, you know what I'd do? I'd hire a small Ecuadorian child to polish my head.I mean, nobody else is going to think of that. I'd go up to other players and be all, "Hey there Daniel Alfredsson, is that new hat? ooh, impressive. (rolls eyes) " Meanwhile Pepe is just sitting on my shoulders scrubbing and polishing, scrubbing and polishing, making my head shine. And I would pay him more than enough to send some money home to his momma working in the bordello or whatever Ecuadorians do. After all, I am Mats Sundin, Goddamm it, and my head deserves to have a shine that can been seen a mile off. (Yes I sporked that from Lewis Black, but I added enough of my own to make it mine. Maybe. Probably, Not)

Umm, I'm not sure what brought that on, but onto the clips!Clip one has Mats against Wayne Gretzky shooting for McDonald's. For some reason, the way he says "big mac" makes me giggle.

Clip two is a classic commercial that needs no introduction:

clip three stars a poor French-Canadian goalie as a gardener. Always makes me giggle


Jaredoflondon said...

everything that man does turns into gold. All three commercials are classic.

Jaredoflondon said...

also, you missed this one. My personal fav

Loser Domi said...

that was a nice one Jared, but all the versions I saw of it had embedding disabled. Besides, watching the goalie scream "DIE MAPLE LEAFS!" while running over them with a lawnmower is great

Jaredoflondon said...

yes, I agree, but "LEARN TO MAKE A KICKSAVE, MEATFACE!!!" is such a good line I've actually adopted it into my daily venacular, much to the confusion of people I know.

Dayna said...

Oh how I miss Mats Sundin's hair. Don't miss - Gretzky's hair.

I loved the Montreal goalie one though, you can meet a lot of fans like that here, I'm sure you've encountered some.

The HZA said...

I remember the McDonald's commercial when I was a kid, and asking my mom why they talked weird.

Kirsten said...

I love the French Canadian goalie turned gardener one. It's probably one of my favorite commercials ever.

Loser Domi said...

@kirsten: are you new around here? I forget. Anyway, thanks for coming in!


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