Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Knew There Was A Reason I Liked Bacon Better

I don't have the strength to come up with a witty introduction to this one. Just enjoy.


Greener said...

Good one, Domi. "Clothing Co." is funny.

Loser Domi said...

Thanks--the best part is that I was eating a hot dog while drawing it (although I had the idea floating around for some time.)

Greener said...

While we're paging Freud: A good friend of mine told me how he once followed the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile through the Holland Tunnel.
True story.

Loser Domi said...

apropos of paging Freud: that reminds me of a video I should use for YouTube Yoinkage this Friday. It's fun--that's all I'm going to say on it


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